Our civilization has embraced diversity to the detriment of our spiritual lives. Diversity as a human concept works wonders in our society. The inclusion of other cultures, ethnic backgrounds, the difference among the world allows humanity to thrive in some amazing ways. However, when it comes to GOD that same attitude of diversity correlates into different beliefs of GOD. While men slept being ignorant to the word of GOD many churches began to emerge from all the religious “diversity.” Where Jesus is the root and the churches are the branches, which Jesus never taught. So where did that teaching come from?
The Bible has pertinent information about GOD’s diversity. While reading the book of Ephesians I understood that there is only one church talked about in the Bible. In Matthew 16:13-18 Jesus said, “I will build my church.” The church He would have to die for in order to establish it. Upon further study I realized that our world has so many churches that I could not find one of them represented by name in the pages of the Bible, not one. Which is puzzling considering a world full of diverse cultures and the only church name revealed in the bible is the Church of Christ. When I read the scriptures, I come to the realization that diversity in Christ is not multiple churches, beliefs, or opinions of God, but different cultures coming together to serve and glorify GOD. One world under GOD that follows HIs word, will and way.
There is only one GOD so naturally it could only be one church. As Christians we are added to the church when we are baptized into the body. (Acts 2:47) (1 Corinthians 12:12-14) When I read Ephesians 4:4 it hammers home that there is only one body. What I learned from Ephesians 1:20-23 that GOD made Jesus the head of the church which is the body. Why does the world insist that you can have more than one church to reach the masses? When GOD wants us to be of one mind. (Philippians 1:27) There is only one body, one spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and one GOD. There can only be ONE truth.