What does it truly mean to be a Christian? The name Christian is not something you throw around like some dollar store trinket. The name Christian carries gravitas to those who believe and is washed with the blood of Christ being justified in the eternal promises of GOD. Christianity is a learned behavior taught by Jesus Christ, a sacrificial lamb born to save the world. Being a Christian is a life redeemed. Christianity runs deep, rooted in following GOD’s word, will and way. Just because you sport tattoos of religious images, wearing t-shirts with spiritual affirmations, adorning yourself with jewelry that reflect your spiritual beliefs or driving with bumper stickers of scriptures and other religious paraphernalia does not define the essence of Christianity.
Those things do not make you a Christian. Being a Christian is a heart condition, a commitment to living a life that reflects GOD’s love and truth. The misconceptions of becoming a Christian is commonplace among a world gone mad, sick with lies and deception. Confusion runs deep in a world untrained by the word of GOD. Saying the sinner’s prayer, asking Jesus into your heart or participating in choir or praise team does not make you a Christian. To become a Christian you have to HEAR the word of truth. (John 6:45, John 17:17) Believe what the word of GOD is telling you. (Mark 16:16) REPENTANCE must now be your standard. (Acts 3:19) CONFESS I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of GOD. (Romans 10:9) BE BAPTIZED…There is no salvation without the water. (Acts 22:16)
So You think you are a Christian, your new life begins after the water. Being a Christian is more than an outward expression, it’s a personal, lifelong commitment of faith, being selfless and serving others. Be the Christian GOD has called you to be. Jesus DIED for you, so LIVE for Him.