Why Must We Follow Jesus?

At some point in the future there will be a spiritual reckoning. Jesus will return to save those who faithfully gave their life to Him. (Revelation 2:10)  In order to be among the saved you must follow Jesus, because He died to remove the penalty of sin so you could have a relationship with the Father. (Romans 8:7-10)  To fully understand why you must follow Christ we must embrace the word of GOD known to all as the Bible. (2 Timothy 3:16)  From Genesis to Revelation the bible begins to fuel and mold your mind to what is truth. (John 17:17)  Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth (B.I.B.L.E) will guide you through the treacherous muck of this world, empowering and encouraging you to follow the Lord into the light. Embrace the teachings of Jesus Christ so you too will show yourself approved. (2 Timothy 2:15)

Without the bible how would you know about the loving and gentle nature of GOD? (1 John 4:19)  How would you understand the dual nature of a loving GOD? Those who reject the gospel will feel GOD’s wrath. When you understand the word of GOD you will see how righteous that is. We will be without excuse come the Day of Judgement with so many opportunities given to get our lives right with GOD. Why must we follow Jesus? His words give us life and how to navigate it. (Romans 10:17)  Believe it or not your life belongs to the one who created it. Believing in Jesus shall bring you understanding. Don’t dismiss the loving care of our GOD, turn away from sin and practice righteousness by producing the Fruit of the Spirit. (Acts 3:19)

Why must we follow Jesus? So we can confess that Jesus is the Son of GOD to destroy our allegiance to sin. Jesus is with those who publicly confess His name. (Acts 8:37)  Our entire life is building towards a spiritual renaissance and those who are ignorant of the word and those who are living the word will be present on the Day of Judgement. Every knee will bow and every mouth will confess. (Romans 14:11)  The benefits of following Christ will get you in the water where all the magic happens…well not magic, but a spiritual promise which baptism cleanse you of all your sins. (1 Peter 3:21)  Thanks to the sinless blood of Jesus Christ. Once you come up from the water a new creature in Christ, you still have a choice to make. Live faithfully and receive the crown of life or live like you want too and make your bed in the lake of fire. Guess what!? You can’t do both…#FOLLOWCHRIST.

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