Truthful Purpose

“My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in GOD my Savior, for He has been mindful of the humble state of His servant. From now on all generations will call me blessed, for the Mighty One has done great things for me-Holy is His name.” (Luke 1:46-49)  Today I would like to take my readers into the mind of a sinner. A man who once was soaked in the bowels of the world, before he gave his life to Christ. I wrote this poem not yet knowing Jesus Christ. I find it interesting how my non-christian thoughts pondered life. Maybe my readers can give me insight on what was going through my mind at that time.

The title of the poem is TRUTHFUL PURPOSE. “Why do I run from the inevitable? Life is more complex with its simplicities. Should I dare tread on or shy away from fate? Sealed tighter than my lips trying to take the pain. Oh, GOD I weep not knowing the truth. An idea so subjective the way it’s perceived in the vision of others. So many questions to answer with so many answers to the question. Why do we exist? To serve our creator, with the truth; script in a book. Words spoken by GOD, translated by man. Faith is our need to believe in something. Belief riddles the mind with questions with no answers. My life is just a thread of a bigger tapestry. What goes on in and around my life affects the world. So much knowledge to absorb yet there are so many things left unexplored. Am I insane for asking what my purpose in life is? Once revealed, would it still satisfy my appetite? They say what once was dark will come to light. Heaven or another plane of existence, being human is only the beginning and death is hardly the end…”

When I wrote this poem I was still in my sins, questioning the validity of the bible. Even though I had not read the bible I was pondering some pretty heavy stuff. Not realizing that my actual life was hanging in the balance. Giving my life to Christ was the best thing I could have done for myself. (Mark 16:16) When we read and study the bible our TRUTHFUL PURPOSE is revealed. We no longer need to ponder on invalid questions on why we exist. GOD talks to us through the bible, we talk to GOD through our prayers and our obedience to His commandments shows our love for GOD. I have come a long way since 2009 ( My born again birthdate) as my knowledge of the Lord grows. Our TRUTHFUL PURPOSE is to continually grow in GOD’s word, will and way until our Lord Jesus Christ returns. 

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