We are redeemed to enter into heaven acceptable to GOD from our daily practices. To be imitators of Christ you must study His word and apply to your life with what you have learned. (1 Corinthians 11:1) Your life is enriched when you love GOD enough to follow His word. (1 Timothy 2:3-4) Think about what Jesus has done for you, His sacrifice to give man the opportunity to be with him in heaven. Our lives are truly spiritual with a fleshly shell that leaves us susceptible to our own desires.
We must embrace the teachings of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ to replace our desires with His. We can truly reach the pinnacle of our spirit when we allow the word of GOD to feed our soul. Is salvation guaranteed after we come up from the water of baptism? Your spirit may be reconciled back to Christ, but if our spirit is not fed by the word of GOD it will be fed by the flesh of the world. Now salvation is lost. As you R.E.A.D the scriptures meditate on the things you learn. ( Philippians 4:8-9)
The Gospel of Jesus is for our learning (John 6:45). Our belief in GOD encapsulates our faith in the one who gave us life. The very essence of GOD’s word is created for us to meditate on and structure our life by. The key to life survives in the pages of the bible. The word of GOD translated for future generations to know and love GOD for what He will do and what He has done. Reading the bible and doing what is required fortifies your status in the Book of Life. So meditate on the things of GOD. It’s good for the spirit.