You are in danger from an enemy that wants you in the Lake of Fire. (Revelation 20:10) Defend yourself against Sin: The Force of Evil, to access the armor of GOD you must give your life to Christ. You must hear what the bible says about Jesus Christ. (Romans 10:17) The enemy wants to devour you like a lion. Believe in Jesus and what the bible tells you about how to get into the body of Christ. (Mark 16:16) GOD’s people must never yield to the demands of the father of lies. (John 8:44)
Idle hands are the devil’s playground, however a change of mind is required to appreciate the power of GOD. (Acts 2:38) Do not allow the devil to steal your joy or tempt you. Believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of GOD and take the necessary steps to act upon that belief. (Romans 10:10) The devil wants you to stumble and fall, but remember with GOD in your life you can always get up, no fall is too big. Trust in the wisdom of GOD which makes you the salt of the earth.
Be Baptized and remove the status of Sin: The Force of Evil. Be added to the body of Christ to wield the sword of the spirit and dawn the armor of GOD. ( 1 Peter 3:21) The Soldier of Christ greatest command is love GOD with all their heart and love thy neighbor as yourself. Love is the greatest strength of the Soldier of Christ armed with the fruit of the spirit the enemy does not stand a chance. Our mission statement is to remain faithful until death and receive the crown of life. (Revelation 2:10)