All Christians let the word of our Lord dwell in you richly. (Colossians 3:16) Everyone wants to quote the Bible, but nobody wants to live it. Even before the scriptures were written on stone and bound together in books, the word hovered over the face of the waters. (John 1:1, Genesis 1:2) The word of GOD is life. It increases our faith giving us the tactical advantage over the tempter, the Devil, to extinguish his flaming arrows. (Ephesians 6:16) The word of GOD is perfect, it will not comfort us with a lie. (Psalms 19:7) The word is our anchor in the sea of life. In Matthew 4:1-11 Jesus Christ battled the devil with the word of GOD.
After fasting for forty days and forty nights Jesus Christ uttered these words “it is written” to teach, correct, and rebuke the Father of Lies. (John 8:44) Jesus Christ is our proven example, not only is the Bible for our learning it is written for us to understand His word, will, and way. (Romans 15:4) The Bible shapes us into a Christ-like figure as it builds up our faith and tears down our iniquities. GOD’s word reigns true in the past, it molds the present, it ensures an unseen future of our hope. The Bible…it is written to be our compass to guide us to do the right thing. The Bible is the only book on the entire planet that if you follow it eternal life is yours.
It is written that man’s fate is his to forfeit. (Mark 16:16) It is written that the Bible is the key. (2 Peter 1:3) Jesus Christ is the door. (John 10:9-16) Obedience unlocks the door. (Acts 2:28) Your faith walks you through the door. (Revelation 2:10) It is written that our destination is heaven as we travel through a world full of immoral muck. We must rely on GOD’s word to steady our lives and discipline our hearts. We must check the roadmap which is the Bible that makes our paths clear. Choose wisely traveler IT IS WRITTEN so you will not be LOST.