Be Joyful

Children of GOD it’s time to rejoice for the promises of our Lord Jesus Christ is alive and well. As Christians why do we get so stressed and offended? GOD calls us to love and have joy in the midst of our suffering. I know as a Christian the hardest thing for us to do is love our enemies, pray for those who do us wrong. (Matthew 5:44)  Christians must focus on the Big Picture; this world is not our home (Hebrews 13:14).

We must build our spiritual treasures while we are in this physical form (Matthew 6:20). Smile brothers and sisters because “This is the day that the Lord has made, [I will] rejoice and be glad in it (Psalm 118:24).” The world likes to spear us with negative thoughts and troubling words to drain us of our Hope; that GOD is just a fantasy; He does not exist. However, we know the Truth that the Word of GOD will set you free (John 8:32). Focus your joy on Our Lord’s death, burial, and resurrection that makes being a Christian possible.

Have Joy that GOD WILL NEVER forsake you (Hebrews 13:5). Let us not forget to be joyful in Christ, remember through baptism, our obedience brings us Joy (Mark 16:16). Rejoice all Christians through our Faith in the word of GOD and obedience to His way will ensure that Heaven will be our home. This life is nothing but a journey to the understanding of GOD’s will, we will have pain and suffering, we will have loss and gain, we will lose loved ones because this journey is treacherous. Have hope and be joyful because we have a spiritual guide that helps us on this journey, the perfect word of the Lord, (Psalms 19:7) have faith in His word, have joy obeying His will, let GOD lead the way, comforting you when you are sad, place your burdens upon Him.

Brothers and Sisters Jesus tells us that his yoke is easy, and his burden is light (Matthew 11:30). Have joy in the Truth, pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17), Love GOD and your neighbor. Encourage your brethren at Worship, building a bond out in the world so this caravan of Love and those who we travel with, will have Joy, onward to our heavenly destination.

“For the Bible is the roadmap to righteous understanding and joy. So be Joyful and enjoy the journey.”

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