Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might (Ephesians 6:10). All Christians must embrace the strength of Jesus which Philippians 4:13 clearly states. We are at war with the spiritual forces of wickedness trying to consume us daily (Ephesians 6:12). Thank the Lord for equipping us with the armament needed to successfully take on the enemy waiting to devour us. The word of GOD is sharper than any double edged sword. The bible which houses the word of GOD is the truth about life itself. All the challenges we may face are told in a chronological tale which trains us in our responses to the world.
The truth we learn in the bible requires us to take action to fulfill all righteousness. That establishes us as children of GOD, a Christian born again from the water, forgiven by GOD. Salvation is yours once you come up from the water. A life renewed for the glory of GOD. It’s a time of growth in understanding and knowledge of the word of GOD. We study to achieve that understanding through the gospel of peace which renews our minds and redirects our actions to align with GOD’s will.
Faith leads us to continue our journey towards the eternal promises of Jesus Christ. Faith strengthens our convictions when it seems hope is lost. We press forward knowing that victory is GOD, the war is already won. All that’s left to do is separate the goats and the sheep. The sheep are the ones who will put on the full armor of GOD which consist of the Truth, Righteousness, Gospel of Peace, Faith, Salvation, and the Word of GOD. With all these pieces assembled you are armored against the evil one. (Ephesians 6)
Written by: Melvin Morrison